Целта на платформата е да им се овозможи на граѓаните, активистите, медиумите, училиштата, невладините организации и сите други полесен пристап до едукативни и информативни материјали.

ИКС лого

Страницата е создадена и одржувана од Институтот за комуникациски студии.

Fb. In. Tw. Yt.

Прегледи 477

Abstract: Within the framework of development of the Erasmus + Joint online program for professional development in innovative management, leadership and strategic communication (“e-PROFMAN”), we researched the professional development needs and expectations of employers for professional skills, the most frequent obstacles to efficiency of human resources in companies/organizations, and the most common personal needs of professional knowledge of the young people in the areas of innovative management, leadership and strategic communication in six countries: Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Serbia, Slovenia, and Turkey. In this paper we present some interesting findings from an online survey of five countries (Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Serbia, and Slovenia). The survey results will help us to develop and create the curriculum for the online lifelong learning professional development program in the field of innovative management, leadership and strategic communication.

Keywords: professional skills, innovative management, leadership, strategic communication, professional development, survey results