Целта на платформата е да им се овозможи на граѓаните, активистите, медиумите, училиштата, невладините организации и сите други полесен пристап до едукативни и информативни материјали.

ИКС лого

Страницата е создадена и одржувана од Институтот за комуникациски студии.

Fb. In. Tw. Yt.

Review instead of a preface

A comprehensive discussion on communication issues supporting entrepreneurship is always welcome, particularly when conceptual framework is exposed to results of empirical research. Therefore, it is a good idea to present in this volume a series of articles reporting on the results of the joint research project e-PROFMAN, undertaken by partners from Macedonia, Slovenia and Turkey. Comparative case studies usually produce interesting results, and this is also the case here. But these results are enriched by a fitting selection of related contributions on topical aspects, providing a broader intellectual platform for understanding the core issues and the relationship between entrepreneurship, innovation, communication and education.


Publisher information

Book collection: Lessons from economic and applied business and social studies
Published by: DOBA Business School (DOBA Faculty of Applied Business and
Social Studies), Maribor, Slovenia
Editor: Pedja Ašanin Gole (editorial matter, selection, individual chapters;
individual chapters – the contributors)
Foreword: Prof. Dr. Rasto Ovin
Reviewers: Prof. Dr. Boris Cizelj, Prof. Dr. Vito Bobek
Contributors (in alphabetical order of surnames):
Dejan Andonov, Pinar Aslan, Pedja Ašanin Gole, Natalie Cvikl Postružnik, Marko Divjak, Ljupčo Efremov, Pınar Eraslan-Yayınoğlu, Jelena Janevska, Meri Karanfilovska,
Tanja Kocjan Stjepanović, Dimitar Kovačevski, Oğuz Kuş, Nuša Lazar, Anita Maček, Marina Letonja, Seda Mengü, Aydemir Okay, Ayla Okay, Ayşegül Özbebek Tunç, Fatih Özkoyuncu, Nataša Ritonija, Iztok Sila, Jasna Suhadolc, Žaneta Trajkoska, Marina Tuneva

ISBN 978-961-6818-56-8
1. Andonov, Dejan 2. Ašanin Gole, Pedja